Treefy in less than 100 words

Treefy in less than 100 words

Treefy in less than 100 words

As you probably know by now, our “Super-family” are the brand ambassadors for the strategic reforestation company, Treefy!

So today I wanted to talk a little about the work they do, but since details can get confusing, and these kinds of things take a while to read, I will introduce them to you in 100 words or less!(I hope)

Well, here it goes!

Treefy is a company trying to make a difference! They plant trees all over the world using strategic reforestation, which maximizes the positive impact of reforestation efforts! Treefy focuses on individuals taking charge to reduce the global carbon footprint! Using their knowledge, they have built a carbon emissions detector that tells you how much carbon-dioxide you produce. Furthermore, you can directly offset this by donating to them, and planting a number of trees that offsets the total amount of carbon you consume!

Whoa! I did it in 82! But if I’m honest, I left out a lot of very interesting information, which I encourage you to go read up on, by going to!

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