Who am I and what do I do

Who am I and what do I do

Who am I and what do I do

Hello! My name is Rachel Green. You’re probably thinking “well that doesn’t really tell me who you are”, so let me help with that.

I am a mother of two wonderful children, and married to Simon Green, my loving husband! I was getting bored sitting at home and whiling my time away during this lockdown, when my family was contacted by Treefy, a strategic reforestation company!

I have always lived in a sustainable way, and my work is mainly education about sustainability and related topics. I have worked with and for several schools and corporates over the past two decades, and loved every minute of it (okay, not every minute, I hate Mondays too). My family and I always try to live in a way that we leave the world around us better than we have found it! Treefy offered us an ambassadorship, as they believe that we represent the same values as they do, and now we all are Treefy Ambassadors, or as they tell us, the “Treefy Super-family”!

I am so excited about this development, but it’s important to remember, that we are just like any other family, we just make an effort and stay informed about the sustainability lifestyle! Treefy, along with my daughter Luisa, set up this website so I can share my thoughts with all of you, about how we can stay sustainable and level up our lives!

I am looking forward to this exciting journey, and hope you will follow me in it!

My family and I supported by Treefy.org